Most people have to deal with the inability to pay their credit card bills at least once or twice in their lives. This should tell you that not being able to pay your credit card bill is nothing to be ashamed of. Of course, if this is the first time you've encountered this kind of distress, it can be quite frightening. Here are some suggestions if the bill is due and you don't know how you are going to pay it:
-Call your credit card company and ask them if you can pay a lower amount than you usually pay-just for this month. If you have been a good card holder up until now, the credit card company should be happy to work with you. If you haven't been a very good credit card holder, however, the company might be less inclined to work with you.
-Look at your current expenses and see if there is something you can do without for the next few weeks so that you can put that money toward your credit card bill instead. For example, buying generic brands of food and household products can be a great way to save some extra pounds.
-Can you sell anything? A lot of people have found rummage sales and eBay to be fantastic ways of finding some cash when the credit card bill comes due. Take a look around you. There are probably a few things lying around the house that you can list on an auction site or put out for sale. You may have to be creative, but it can be done.
-Do you have any good friends that you might be able to ask for a loan? It might not go over well to ask one friend for the total sum of your bill, but you might consider asking a few friends for smaller amounts that you can later combine and use for bill paying. Of course, if you go this route, you must make paying back your friends your first priority!
-Figure out a household budget. If your expenses are so tight that you cannot afford your credit card bill, it is time to take a strict look at your finances. There are probably quite a few areas that you can squeeze or tighten. Remember, your credit rating is more important than going out to eat!
These are five hints to give you ideas when the bills come due and you find that you can't pay them. You'll probably come up with a few other ways to raise money and save your credit rating!
-Call your credit card company and ask them if you can pay a lower amount than you usually pay-just for this month. If you have been a good card holder up until now, the credit card company should be happy to work with you. If you haven't been a very good credit card holder, however, the company might be less inclined to work with you.
-Look at your current expenses and see if there is something you can do without for the next few weeks so that you can put that money toward your credit card bill instead. For example, buying generic brands of food and household products can be a great way to save some extra pounds.
-Can you sell anything? A lot of people have found rummage sales and eBay to be fantastic ways of finding some cash when the credit card bill comes due. Take a look around you. There are probably a few things lying around the house that you can list on an auction site or put out for sale. You may have to be creative, but it can be done.
-Do you have any good friends that you might be able to ask for a loan? It might not go over well to ask one friend for the total sum of your bill, but you might consider asking a few friends for smaller amounts that you can later combine and use for bill paying. Of course, if you go this route, you must make paying back your friends your first priority!
-Figure out a household budget. If your expenses are so tight that you cannot afford your credit card bill, it is time to take a strict look at your finances. There are probably quite a few areas that you can squeeze or tighten. Remember, your credit rating is more important than going out to eat!
These are five hints to give you ideas when the bills come due and you find that you can't pay them. You'll probably come up with a few other ways to raise money and save your credit rating!
About the Author:
This article has been published by Xaviera Middleton. Are you having legal problems? If you need some legal advice or wish to speak to a solicitor , visit Find A Solicitor for more details.
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