Thursday, October 30, 2008

How to Inspire Your Family

By Marty Lee Parker

Teaching your kids and preparing them for the challenges and struggles in life is an on going task that requires lots of work. I have always wished that there were something that would help me share enriching values and ideas that would allow my kids to lead successful and fulfilling lives. I have discovered an aid that makes passing on words of wisdom to your kids super easy and fun. It is called the "Chatterbox".

The Chatterbox is a box of index cards much like that of your grandma's recipe box. Instead of cards filled with the ingredients for yummy edibles, the Chatterbox cards are filled with the ingredients on how to raise confident, motivated and responsible children that are poised for great success in life!

In our family we, place the Chatterbox on the kitchen table and every morning at breakfast I pull out one of the cards and read them to my children. My children are excited each morning as they get to discuss topics and ideas about achievement, getting along with others, money skills, goal planning and family life. I can tell in their responses to my questions that they feel important talking about their opinions and dreams.

As a parent I feel satisfied knowing that we have discussed how to act when you don't get what you want, how when one door closes another door opens, how to get what you want out of life you need to plan for it, how you can choose to be positive in every situation.

The Chatterbox is a perfect name for this tool in growing your children's life skills. It really gets kids talking beyond the typical "yes", "no" and "I don't know" responses. On each card there are questions to ask your kids, a quote from a great achiever throughout history, a valuable synopsis of the topic at hand and quick games to play.

With all the tasks to do everyday, teaching your kids morals, values and how to be a success can easily be overlooked. The Chatterbox helps parents with the important task of passing on a positive mindset and words of wisdom to their children. For more information visit

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