Sunday, December 28, 2008

Adults And Seniors Can Get Texas Health Insurance

By Jordan FeRoss

When an adult reaches their 50s and 60s in age, sometimes they can have a hard time trying to get health insurance in Texas. This is because health insurance carriers are scared that they will be paying lots of claims from this age group. They will seriously look at how old they are and the status of their health before they decide whether or not to give them a policy.

However, it's not always the case that older adults and seniors cannot get health insurance. If the adult is 65 or over, had a record or working 10 years or more (if not them, their spouse), they could possibly be eligible for Medicare. For this age group, Medicare will cover some health related items, but not everything. In that case, you may have to get additional health insurance in Texas.

There are other ways to qualify for Medicare, as well, such as having a serious illness or disability. A person who has been receiving income from the Social Security Administration for at least two years may also qualify for Medicare. A person whose spouse qualifies for Medicare may also qualify automatically. This is one way for older adults to get health insurance in Texas.

Medicare usually pays a large chunk of medical expenses and there are policies known as "Medicare Supplements" that can cover the things that Medicare won't. When applying for this type of health insurance in Texas, it is important to apply during open enrollment as soon as you are eligible to avoid having to wait until the next year and risking large medical expenses during that period of time.

If you wait until after the open enrollment period is over, you may not get all of your health coverage paid for. Of course, it's not a given that you would need the supplement. It just depends on your situation. In addition to that, there are other health insurance supplements in Texas that can be used. If you have health insurance from a retirement package, then that can be used to pay for the remaining portion.

If a person needs help applying for Medicare, there is a Health and Human Services department in Texas to help them. The social workers there can help you find out if you are eligible for Medicare. There is also a website for the federal government where a person can get more information about Medicare and how to get the health insurance in Texas that they need.

When using Medicare health insurance in Texas, there are some limits for prescription drug coverage. This is important information to know about your Medicare benefits so you can be sure to apply for supplemental coverage if you need it to get the medicines you need to stay alive. Finding the appropriate health insurance in Texas is more challenging for older adults, but it is also more vital so it is important to get as much information as possible and weigh out all of your options carefully in order to protect your health and keep medical problems from bankrupting you during your retirement years.

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