Sunday, November 2, 2008

4 Reasons To Use Articles to Get Pasive Streams of Free Traffic

By Henry Zeng

As you may already have heard that, submitting articles to article sites is a "fool proof" way to get targeted traffic & make passive income. So here I list 4 reasons why you should use article marketing to get passive streams of targeted traffic for free.

1. You get a lot of high quality backlinks from article sites. As you get a lot of one-way links pointed at your site containing your keywords, you will probably rank well for most search engines if you done well.

2.Your author resource box at the end of the body of your articles acts as an advertisement when millions of people who are reading your articles.

People who read your articles and click on your links in your resource box at the end of each of your articles are highly-qualified prospects that are interested in your articles so that they will be also interested in your sites.

3.Most article directories allow publishers reprint articles on their own newsletters or websites.

So you can expect to receive free ads in targeted traffic when publishers pick up your articles and put them on ezines or blogs.

4.You boosts your personal and business credibility when your articles published.

You become known as an expert by your article and this endears potential customers to you before they even visit your websites. There is no better way to "presell" your prospects than article marketing.


You see that you don't need any capital to set your article system up - unlike some of other the paid ways.

But remind yourself to be consistent. Most people try something for a brief period of time, and when they don't see results immediately, they give up. You may be the exception. If you are, you will see dramatic results.

Article marketing is a time-consuming tactic, you won't see results overnight. But it provides results for long term - you will be rewarded with free, targeted traffic for years.

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