Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Things To Consider Before Your First Investment

By Rahn Naro

It's doubtful there is any investor who doesn't hope to profit, but the savvy investor will understand their own financial situation before taking the investing leap. This device should be used, whether you're investing for the short-term, and looking for maximum growth with Penny stocks, or investing conservatively for retirement. In order to make an informed decision, take the time to determine your income and expenses using the following as an example only.

What is your mortgage payment? What taxes do you owe? Do You have loans and/or credit card debt? What are your daily/weekly living expenses? Do you have an evergency fund in place (crucial)? What expenses are involved with transportation? Do you have leisure or entertainmy expenses? Are there student loans owed? What other obligations do you have to family or friends?

When we begin thinking about investing, we need to first look at our own financial situation to determine what amount we can safely invest each month. It's always wise (that should read crucial) to invest with your surplus, and not your rent (by rent we mean any monthly expense you know will be spent).

If you've made the decision to invest, but are wondering where you will find the necessary money, save something from every paycheck. Tell yourself that this is money you'll use for investments. While the particular percentage you put aside will be based on your needs and temperament, experts suggest 10% for emergencies, and an additional 10% for investments.

while a single person may only need to take of their own investment needs, a family person needs to consider their children, spouses, and long-term goals. While we feel that investing is crucial for your financial success, this should not be done at the expense of your family, make certain they are provided for before investing.

All of us are unique individuals, and look at, and deal with life differently; what is a risky investment to some, might be perfectly fine for another. Take the time, and now, before investing, to determine the type of investing you are comfortable with. Penny stocks have been very good to me, and I've built my career around them, they are not the only part of my investing portfolio. While I recommend that you give them a close look, they should only be one spoke on your investment wheel.

The time tested piece of investment advice is this, diversify. While penny stocks have allowed this author to obtain wealth, that doesn't mean they are my only investment, I'm well diversified and so should you be. The market will always fluctuate, it has done so for years and I can see no reason it will change in the near future.

Research should be a crucial part of your investment strategy, whether done personally, or what a you are subscribed to investment newsletter or website. While there are many good and talented financial advisors, many times you'll find The best opportunities run contrary to their advice.

While we believe the majority of the big moves are predictable ( with penny stocks), there will certainly be the time you're on board a loser. When this happens never chase the stock, take your licks, liquidate your position, and lived to invest another day. while the feeling is wonderful when you're onboard a winner, do not let your emotions rule, take your profits, celebrate, then reinvest.

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