Do you want to start your own business? Are you one of the many people out there realizing that network marketing is the way to go these days? I'm here to tell you about a company in the health and wellness industry that symbolizes true entrepreneurship. Genewize Life Sciences is a company that allows you the opportunity to start your own business as an affiliate marketing customized nutritional supplements. You can earn a residual income from your own home office. How can you be a part of this?
By signing up as an affiliate of Genewize, you are able to go out there and market to all kinds of people that are looking for a more individualized approach to their health. This is a scientific breakthrough in the health and wellness industry and you can be a part of it now.
Today is a time for change. People want something bigger and better. While we are all so concerned about our health, for the first time ever, we're able to get a more personalized supplement. This supplement is tailored to our own genetic makeup! As long as health issues are a concern to people in the world, Genewize will continue to grow and it's affiliates will be a huge success!
After 14 years of research, Genewize has formulated an individualized nutritional supplement that is going to continue to be in much demand. Success in any network marketing business depends on the demand for the product you are selling. With Genewize, the products will continue to be in demand for the rest of time. We always need nutritional supplements and this allows for you to continue building your business and be successful.
Let's take a look at the Genewize compensation package. It's designed around the "4 & Pay No More" program. What this means is that once you sign up four new affiliates, your product is free every month. This is just one of the components of the compensation plan. The other ways to earn are:
1. Two-Team Bonus - when you sign-up other Genewize affiliates, you are immediately positioned to receive a 10% -20% of their weekly sales revenue as well.
2. Retail Sales - you get a percentage of each LifeMap System that you sell.
3. Matching Bonus - you receive monthly matching bonuses also by becoming part of an enroller grid.
4. Incentives and Company Pools - incentives and bonus shares are based upon unit performance.
You will become part of a team with a vested interest in your own success.
These are a few highlights of Genewize. This company is going to change millions of lives by improving healthcare and giving so many financial and personal freedom. It's time to start looking to the future and creating the life you desire today.
By signing up as an affiliate of Genewize, you are able to go out there and market to all kinds of people that are looking for a more individualized approach to their health. This is a scientific breakthrough in the health and wellness industry and you can be a part of it now.
Today is a time for change. People want something bigger and better. While we are all so concerned about our health, for the first time ever, we're able to get a more personalized supplement. This supplement is tailored to our own genetic makeup! As long as health issues are a concern to people in the world, Genewize will continue to grow and it's affiliates will be a huge success!
After 14 years of research, Genewize has formulated an individualized nutritional supplement that is going to continue to be in much demand. Success in any network marketing business depends on the demand for the product you are selling. With Genewize, the products will continue to be in demand for the rest of time. We always need nutritional supplements and this allows for you to continue building your business and be successful.
Let's take a look at the Genewize compensation package. It's designed around the "4 & Pay No More" program. What this means is that once you sign up four new affiliates, your product is free every month. This is just one of the components of the compensation plan. The other ways to earn are:
1. Two-Team Bonus - when you sign-up other Genewize affiliates, you are immediately positioned to receive a 10% -20% of their weekly sales revenue as well.
2. Retail Sales - you get a percentage of each LifeMap System that you sell.
3. Matching Bonus - you receive monthly matching bonuses also by becoming part of an enroller grid.
4. Incentives and Company Pools - incentives and bonus shares are based upon unit performance.
You will become part of a team with a vested interest in your own success.
These are a few highlights of Genewize. This company is going to change millions of lives by improving healthcare and giving so many financial and personal freedom. It's time to start looking to the future and creating the life you desire today.
About the Author:
Discover how to start your own business with Genewize Life Sciences by grabbing your FREE report at:: Genewize Life Sciences DNA Nutrition and then watch her video for new network marketers at: Genewize Life Sciences Business Profits
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