Hello future on line money maker. Do you really believe that you have what it takes to make money on the internet? If you are like me, you have spent countless hours and more money than you would like to admit, just spinning your wheels. Who do you listen to? All the internet gurus claim to have the answers as they up sell you, cross sell you and affiliate you into oblivion. Join this, join that, buy this and try that too. It's all the same old song and dance.
Seeing all these internet "gurus" telling you that their program is the best while they brag about making millions on line has gotten old for me. One could spend a small fortune trying to learn the newest "tips" and "tricks." I am probably one of the majority of Newbies out there. I have a career and do just fine and I know and understand the value of passive income. Let me be clear here, I have spent more than I have made on the internet, have you? I think I have finally found something perfect for us Newbies and I want to share it with you (Yes, that does mean that I want you to buy something).
If you have a job that does not involve making money directly off the internet for yourself, and especially if you have no job and need one, you should at least take a look at some of the many ways to make money on line. Personally, as a Newbie to internet marketing, I haven't retired yet, but it sure would be nice. I can only imagine how good some of the guys who have made large on-going residual incomes feel working from home or any place else that has an internet hook-up, if and when they feel like it while the cash keeps pouring in.
On a personal note, I am an attorney in Baltimore and I have a twenty year successful, family law, personal injury, and criminal defense practice. I love what I do, I have a nice house in a great neighborhood a wonderful family and all the trimmings. I maintain a helpful web site for people struggling with divorce and child custody issues, Divorce Without Dishonor. My fist book will be out in January. Life is good. So, what am I doing here? To me, the internet is a fascinating vehicle that can pretty much take you where you want to go. Right now, for me, it is only a hobby, a late and night or early in the morning kind of thing. I find it relaxing too. It is also healthy to learn new things, getting out of your comfort zone. For a newbie, finding the way through the internet learning curve, is like running through a maze looking for the quickest way out. I think I have finally found a good place to start making money on the internet, and a great on line coach, Michael Cheney from the UK. I like his style, his sincerity and his desire to help the newbies without beating them over the head with offer after offer.
Even if you are the person that has a good job, career or profession for support and even if you have a huge retirement plan and ample savings, you can still get a lot out of on-line marketing. You can meet all kinds of wonderful and interesting people in the internet marketing groups. It is a place to share ideas and use your imagination and when you can make money doing that at your convenience --that's a good thing. There really aren't any down sides to attempting to start an on line business. Finding a good place to start is very important.
I can't take it anymore! It is time to learn how to make money on line. The problem is... we are NEWBIES. Like any job or career worth while, or anything in life for that matter, you need to pay your dues. It is a huge learning curve and as always, KNOWLEDGE is power. Care to join me in breaking through the Newbie stage? Maybe start a newbies group?
Seeing all these internet "gurus" telling you that their program is the best while they brag about making millions on line has gotten old for me. One could spend a small fortune trying to learn the newest "tips" and "tricks." I am probably one of the majority of Newbies out there. I have a career and do just fine and I know and understand the value of passive income. Let me be clear here, I have spent more than I have made on the internet, have you? I think I have finally found something perfect for us Newbies and I want to share it with you (Yes, that does mean that I want you to buy something).
If you have a job that does not involve making money directly off the internet for yourself, and especially if you have no job and need one, you should at least take a look at some of the many ways to make money on line. Personally, as a Newbie to internet marketing, I haven't retired yet, but it sure would be nice. I can only imagine how good some of the guys who have made large on-going residual incomes feel working from home or any place else that has an internet hook-up, if and when they feel like it while the cash keeps pouring in.
On a personal note, I am an attorney in Baltimore and I have a twenty year successful, family law, personal injury, and criminal defense practice. I love what I do, I have a nice house in a great neighborhood a wonderful family and all the trimmings. I maintain a helpful web site for people struggling with divorce and child custody issues, Divorce Without Dishonor. My fist book will be out in January. Life is good. So, what am I doing here? To me, the internet is a fascinating vehicle that can pretty much take you where you want to go. Right now, for me, it is only a hobby, a late and night or early in the morning kind of thing. I find it relaxing too. It is also healthy to learn new things, getting out of your comfort zone. For a newbie, finding the way through the internet learning curve, is like running through a maze looking for the quickest way out. I think I have finally found a good place to start making money on the internet, and a great on line coach, Michael Cheney from the UK. I like his style, his sincerity and his desire to help the newbies without beating them over the head with offer after offer.
Even if you are the person that has a good job, career or profession for support and even if you have a huge retirement plan and ample savings, you can still get a lot out of on-line marketing. You can meet all kinds of wonderful and interesting people in the internet marketing groups. It is a place to share ideas and use your imagination and when you can make money doing that at your convenience --that's a good thing. There really aren't any down sides to attempting to start an on line business. Finding a good place to start is very important.
I can't take it anymore! It is time to learn how to make money on line. The problem is... we are NEWBIES. Like any job or career worth while, or anything in life for that matter, you need to pay your dues. It is a huge learning curve and as always, KNOWLEDGE is power. Care to join me in breaking through the Newbie stage? Maybe start a newbies group?
About the Author:
It's not your fault that it takes a while to begin to make money on line. What you need is THE SOLUTION. You can't do everything. You need a good starting point before you can even think about the finish line. THE SOLUTION is to find an inexpensive, cost effective, highly duplicable and easy to learn program. Go here now to find THE SOLUTION.
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