Sunday, November 2, 2008

Personalized URLs: What You Need to Know!

By Jim Rogers

If you are in a place where you are looking to grab the attention of your clients and the people that you are hoping to service and to make them pay attention to your content, you will find that taking a look at personal URLs is one way to do it. A personal URL, also known as a PURL, is is essentially a URL that you will send to your client, with their name at the end of the URL in question. There are many different opportunities that you can take advantage of when you are looking at PURLS.

In the first place, you will find that when you combine PURLs with direct marketing software that you can have a huge impact on the way that people will respond to you. With more and more opportunities open to you when it comes to personalized direct mail, you will find that you need to create a campaign where your clients and the people that you would like to be your clients feel as though you are meeting their needs personally.

With PURLs, you will find that you can easily customize content for each client, if you should so choose. With this in mind, you will be able to both target your clients, and learn more about their needs. This make for a significantly more powerful experience for your customer, and one where they will remember you and what you provide.

Personalized URLs will give you a significantly increases response rates. People are far more likely to click a link which has their name embedded in it. They will also be more likely to be receptive to your message. This gives you the opportunity to learn a little more about prospective customers and their needs.

When used along with a personalized direct mail campaign, PURLs are a useful way to track your contact's response to your communications. You can appeal to the interests of your target market by using this information and personalizing content to meet their needs.

Use your PURLs to make sure that your experience are getting the treatment that they need. When customers need to deal with an impersonal landing page, they feel like one face in a hundred, but when they have their own, complete with VIP treatment and personalized content, you will find that you will get a great response. Use audio to make sure that your clients connect with you, and to speak with them directly.

Remember that when you sign won with a company that can give you the right kind of PURL service that you need that you should look for one that has a flat monthly rates over per PURL pricing. With the latter, you will need to pay for every single PURL you create, whereas with a flat monthly rate, you can create as many as you need to.

Consider all of your options and think about the advantages to be gained by your business with the use of a PURL campaign. Personalized URLs are a marketing tool your business cannot afford to do without.

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