Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Easy Way To Social Marketing Traffic

By Jeff Goodwin

For any site to make money on the internet there is always one thing you cannot live without. What is it? Traffic. It does not care what business you are in or what niche you are promoting. If you do not receive a hefty amount of traffic you cannot get ahead online.

What is the fastest ways to drive traffic to your website?

Using social marketing and social networking with social media sites.

There are users in the millions using the Social Marketing sites like the famous MySpace, FaceBook, Twitter, Digg, Propeller etc. If these sites are used in the correct way, You can get a tidal wave of traffic headed to your site on a daily basis.

You might wondering: What is Social Marketing anyway?

Social Marketing and Social Networking sites like Myspace are run mainly by the users and not the owners of the sites. This is what makes Social Media Sites unique from other sites on the internet.

The only way people get big on these sites is by becoming popular to the readers and are rewarded with people digging there site, or giving positive comments and sharing it with others in the Social Network Community.

Social Media Sites thrive on this. But don't think it can go the other way. If you put poorly written duplicate content on these sites you can get burned fast.

With social Media Sites you are basically ranked by your popularity. The community will give you comments or "diggs" if the content if good and then it will hopefully be shared with the surrounding community. This will give you more unique visitors to your site, but at the same tiem you will be receiving increasing amounts of 1 way back-links to your site.

The secret to web traffic with social media sites is to setup your profiles in the way that it is intended and to know how each of these sites are intended to be used. If you know what you are doing this can be done easily.

How can we use these Social Networking Sites Properly?

Well.....we can:

1) Go and sign up with all the Social Media Sites.

2) You can study the communities and eventually start to participate yourself. Once you know what they are looking for you can start to submit your own content.

You really don't want to submit your content to fast though and you also need the right balance between submitting your own content and commenting on others.

To get familiar with the social media sites individually can take a really long time. Although, there is a great shortcut you can take to really cut that time in half.

I found complete course called Social Traffic Explosion. It covers everything you would ever need to know in step by step videos, audios, and guides. It really gives it all step by step.

It will show you:

1) The easy way to set up your profiles with Myspace, Facebook, Twitter and more.

2) An easy way to properly get your pages set up on the on Myspace, Twitter, and facebook.

3) How to quickly drive targeted traffic to your pages.

4) How to get loads of traffic to your site fast with social bookmarking.

Social Traffic Explosion will allow you to create a social marketing plan, and go after the social networking sites the right way. It will show yo how to get massive amounts of traffic swarming to your site, while showing you how to go into these social media sites in a way that keeps you from getting tagged or banned.

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