Sunday, November 2, 2008

Automatic Car Alarms Help Prevent Theft

By Brad Seabourne

An automobile alarm is an audible security system which activates as a loud noise if a possible break-in is detected. Not only are these systems annoyingly loud, they also are often false alarms and consequently, often ignored. Many vehicle security systems currently exist which are much more technologically advanced.

Manufacturers have designed cutting edge technology to help reduce the billions of dollars of car theft reported annually. Using two-way communication devices, car security systems can alert you when your car's engine has been started. Some newer systems have sensors to detect glass breakage. Others can be activated remotely and can even arm themselves passively, without the owner needing to remember to set the alarm.

A noisy alarm just won't be heard if you're not near the car, and if you're on vacation it could take days for you to even figure out that your car is missing. Certain types of car security systems will place an automatic call to a number you have specified (or send an urgent text) in case of a break in. Alarms that are two-stage can also tell you whether your car has just been jostled or if it is actually turned on and in motion.

If the vehicle is moving, you could communicate to the automatic car alarm to turn off the fuel pump, which will effectively stop the vehicle. Of course, if your car is on the back of a tow truck, stopping the engine will not prevent the theft. Many of the newer vehicle security systems are also equipped with GPS tracking devices to keep tabs on your vehicle's location.

Preventing Car Jacking: Several models of vehicle security systems are now equipped with car jacking preventative mechanisms. These mechanisms allow you to turn off the supply of gas to the vehicle with the press of a button. Having this safety feature gives you options you would not otherwise have. The feature is generally activated by a switch that is near the seat belt release; when activated it shuts off the fuel supply and applies the brakes to stop the car. This features gives a person a good chance of preventing their car from being hijacked.

Often these systems will alert police in the event of a car jacking. Most systems are intended to quickly notify authorities that something is happening and can be invaluable in life-threatening situations. Approaching a car thief in the middle of stealing your vehicle can be very dangerous. It is better to let law enforcement handle the situation. Once your automatic car alarm informs you with a phone call or text message that the car is being stolen, you can notify the police, who will have a head start on catching the thief in the act.

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