Sunday, November 2, 2008

5 Ways to Increase Self Motivation

By Ethan Beh

Do you have procrastination problems? Just can't get yourself to take action no matter what you do? Have you ever wondered why is it some people out there can get themselves to feel motivated no matter what? Is it because they are just self motivated naturally?

Sadly, usually when people don't feel motivated, they act as if there's nothing that they can do about it. Of course that's not true! Like all other skills and abilities, we can develop self motivation. Use the five tips below to increase your motivation levels.

1. Use Movement & Pump Yourself Up It's tough to feel motivated when you sitting idly in a corner. Instead stand up, move around and pump yourself up. Show more excitement and motivation in your movements and you'll become more motivated. Studies have shown that physical movements affect our mental state. Whenever you don't feel motivated, get moving, make a fist and pump yourself up.

2. Have some variety in your environment Your surrounding can have a big impact on your motivation levels. First of all, make your environment as conducive as possible. If you are surrounded by magazines, TV and a video game, chances are you will only be motivated to relax and have fun. So make sure your surrounding supports what you are trying to achieve.

Secondly, make it a point to add variety to your environment if possible. Once in a while change the location - use another room in the house, head to the library, a quite cafe, go to the park etc. When things are fresh you keep the interest up, and thus the motivation levels as well.

3. Use motivating music Using the right kinds of music can give us great motivation. Music has the ability to bring out various states and moods within us. A great tip to gain motivation is to listen to music that is uplifting and motivational. Create a CD or playlist filled with motivational music, and keep it close by at all times. Whenever you don't feel motivated, just play those music and let it transform you. While listening to the motivational qualities of the music, visualize yourself being motivated too.

4. Gain momentum first - Start with a small action The first step is always the hardest. But after you got that out of the way, you'll have momentum and things start to become easier and easier. So try to start off by doing the easier or more interesting task first. Or just plan to do work on something for a few minutes. After those few minutes are up you would have gotten some momentum and won't feel like stopping. The most important thing is to just start doing it!

5. Be curious It's only natural that we feel more motivated to do things that we are interested in. So what about the things that we have no interest in? We should try to adopt a curious attitude towards it. Instead of thinking that it is going to be boring and as dull as ever, change your perspective, ask questions and try to discover as much as you can. Treat it as an opportunity to learn and try new things. By doing this you will turn it interesting and increase your motivation.

Being motivated all the time is a product of habitual practice. The more you do it, the more it becomes a natural habit. Make it a point to use these self motivation techniques everyday and see yourself develop into a naturally motivated person!

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