Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Choosing A Baby Sitter For Your Child

By Todd Martin

When you hire a babysitter you are placing the welfare of your children in the babysitter's hands. The kids' safety and well being for those two to four or more hours that you are gone can be a happy experience for all-the sitter, the kids and parents. How do you know for sure? For sure you have thoroughly vetted your sitter, haven't you? References, background checks etc. all to make sure your sitter is who he or she says they are. You cannot be too sure can you? After all we are talking about your kids. When you hire a nanny you need to make sure that she is the best person for the job. You do not, after all, just want to leave your kids with just anyone.

Start your search at least 2 to 3 months before you go back to work so you have enough time to make a thoughtful decision. Ask friends and neighbors for recommendations. Before hiring or accepting an offer to baby-sit from relatives or friends, be sure they are qualified to care for your child and that you would feel comfortable giving those instructions or disagreeing with them on child-care issues that are important to you. Avoid hiring someone who is looking for something to do until a better offer comes along. To find candidates, check with a local agency that provides training and placement for in-home providers. Ask your doctor for names.

You can even ask her about her experience with a hidden nanny cam, her position about its presence, and how she dealt with it. This way, you will know if you will have problems in this area. You have to look for a nanny who exhibits maturity and a diversity of interests, not a child lurking within a woman's body. Since even the most high-tech hidden nanny cam can follow her on her outside activities. You also need to raise the matter of functions, duties and responsibilities you expect the applicant to fulfill if and when she is hired as your nanny.

He or she should be able to communicate well so your child can build his or her language skills. Your caregiver should respect your philosophy of child rearing and understand that you are the ultimate authority for making decisions about the care of your child. He or she also needs to guide your child's behavior with positive reinforcement rather than physical punishment. Even if you work with a child-care agency that prescreens candidates, you should participate in the screening process. First, screen candidates over the phone to eliminate those who don't seem right.

This document should spell out specific duties like house chores, childcare tasks, and use of supplies, provisions for meals, accommodations and transportation, among others. During the first few days of employment, you have to spend time getting acquainted with your nanny like daily conversations and updates, occasional and surprise visits during working hours, and if necessary, scheduled meetings on important matters. Most important of all, respect your nanny and show confidence in her abilities. When the time comes, you might even consider spy gears almost disposable and your nanny indispensable!

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